Astrology is a science based on the astronomical positions of the
heavenly bodies and on long centuries of traditional studies of
apparent influences. It allows us to gain an understanding of present
and past and, based on that understanding, helps us to make the best
use of future opportunities. A natal chart is a picture taken of the
universe at the moment of our birth. This picture is the basis of our
entire life, revealing our challenges as well as our abilities. We can
rightly say that Astrology is a science that gives us self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge is recognizing what we really are. To discover what we
really are, we have to eliminate the "image" we have created
about ourselves. In other words, we have to free ourselves.
That is why at some time or another we all feel a compelling need to
be FREE, but free of what? To understand this question, we must
analyze our mind. The mind is not only where thought takes place, but
also emotions. The activities of the mind, thought and emotion, create
over time certain tendencies that we call habits.
Habits, based on our acceptances and rejections, resistances and
indulgences, encounters and endurances, constitute both our positive
and our negative reactions. These reactions are the defense mechanisms
we develop to meet the challenges of life. They supply us with the
standard with which we measure life. This standard not only contains
the norm that we use to measure life but also the action to deal with
challenges. As time passes, we identify ourselves more and more with
this standard until we are unable to see life without it. In fact, we
can rightly say that these habits become our nature or, better said,
our acquired nature.
An Astrological chart is a map delineating our psychological makeup or
acquired nature. Astrology reconnects our inner with the outer world,
and by doing so enables us to take control of our lives and to fully
develop our potential.